After having followed a double scientific and musical course at the Louis Lumière School (1989), in CNAM (1992/2017) and at the Conservatory of Music of Paris (1993), Sébastien Noly founded the company Sonogramme in 1996. There, he carries out acoustic engineering missions, in particular for the Opera de Paris, relating to the assessment of hearing risk among musicians and the improvement of acoustic conditions. Wishing to keep a link with the sound production, he broadcasts the sound system of operas and symphony orchestras for the Aix-en-Provence festival and the Philarmonie de Paris. Wishing to pass on his experience to younger generations of sound engineers, Sébastien Noly is professor at ENSATT and acts as a pedagogical referent for the sound sector at the CFPTS.
Les Docks de Paris
87 Avenue des Magasins Généraux
93300 Aubervilliers
14, rue Crucy
44000 Nantes
Tel. : +33 (0)2 40 48 64 24
Natalia Gladyrewsky
Mobile : +33 (0)6 16 74 04 79
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