Product Video

This Award will be presented to a manufacturer and/or developer for an innovative video product: LED screens, video projectors, video servers, projection screens, software…

Product released or to be released between 1/01/2022 and 12/31/2023.

This category will be awarded 2 prizes:

  • The 2023 Innovation Award – audio product by the JTSE Awards jury
  • The Audience Award – video product : In addition to the Awards and prizes awarded by the jury, an Audience Award will be presented.
    the companies judged most innovative by JTSE visitors. Vote here
    for your favorite company until November 29 at 1 p.m.

Premiers pas

Découvrez tout votre espace exposant pas à pas et apprenez à utiliser les outils et services disponibles sur la plateforme en consultant notre tutoriel vidéo.

First steps

Discover all your exhibitor area step by step and learn how to use the tools and services available on the platform by consulting our video tutorial.
